Oct 16, 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Cancer is a word nobody wants to hear in regards to themselves, a family member or a friend. Unfortunately, cancer was part of my formative years since my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She passed away when I was sixteen years old. I made the decision to spend time with her during the holidays and at the time, felt like I was missing hanging out with friends. Now, I do not for one minute regret
spending time with my grandmother.
Although I do not believe yoga can cure breast cancer, it most definitely can heal the mind and spirit through this battle. Pranayama, or breath awareness can be used during breast cancer screening. Breathing can make a mammogram less painful and allows your mind to focus on something other than worry and discomfort. It also has been proven to lessen fatigue in patients receiving radiation. Yoga in general reduces anxiety and stress, and it does the same for patients receiving treatment.
For me, having a healthy diet and exercise is just as important as screening for breast cancer. They will not prevent me from getting breast cancer, but they will make the screening and treatment less draining both mentally and physically.
With love,
*Make sure you get screened regularly and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Early detection can save lives.