Feb 08, 2022 McKenna
This teacher training guided me to refine my identity. I had grown content inside my self-defined comfort zone and never thought to push the boundaries. I was hesitant to give myself credit for those qualities that I had to offer and through the training I found my confidence to appreciate my gifts not only as a wife and mother, but as an individual. I was a huge control freak and held the reins so tight it limited me. I have given myself permission to let go and know that while I may always be a recovering perfectionist, bumps in the road are a part of the learning process.
The tools I learned have become a lifestyle instead of just a weekly practice. My favorite part of the training was when the Instructors pushed me past any boundaries I had set for myself. Having to be vulnerable and show parts of myself that I kept hidden was a huge breakthrough in this process. I was able to enjoy the success of others and see them blossom.